The Rest

Purchase to Pay can sometimes be a hard sell. In a highly siloed organization where purchasing and finance see themselves as different species, getting buy in to an end to end holistic approach to purchasing is virtually impossible. But without the holistic approach some serious stuff goes wrong. Below are to top 5 problems that occur when purchase to pay best practice is ignored.

In a thought provoking and incisive article by Tracy Bramlet, she describes in some detail the adverse effects on the financial supply chain following the disastrous explosion that sunk the Deepwater Horizon rig, killed 11 workers that initiated the current spill that is pumping 200,000 gallons of...

SRM remains a hot topic for organisations, and creating the business case for change is challenging. All of us understand SRM is the right thing to do, but putting absolute values on benefits achieved through an SRM programme is difficult. In 2009 State of Flux focused their survey around...