Purchase to Pay Tag

Purchase to Pay, P2P and Dynamic DiscountingThere's much talk about dynamic discounting and how it can yield significant returns on investment but dynamic discounting is absolutely not the first step in extracting value out of purchase to pay optimization - it is the final step. Let's go back to basics and remember that P2P is not a core function of an organization. Rather, it supports the core functions such as sourcing and procurement, accounts payable and finance. Purchase to pay develops and installs synergy across the physical and financial supply chain and uses technology to support better ways of working to reduce the cost of doing business with suppliers.

Purchase to Pay can sometimes be a hard sell. In a highly siloed organization where purchasing and finance see themselves as different species, getting buy in to an end to end holistic approach to purchasing is virtually impossible. But without the holistic approach some serious stuff goes wrong. Below are to top 5 problems that occur when purchase to pay best practice is ignored.